Monday, February 17, 2025
Author Administrator  Business  0  1,135
07 Jul 2023
Which countries continue to buy Russian energy resources in 2023.

Which countries continue to buy Russian energy resources in 2023.

China is in first place by a wide margin. The second is still the EU, and this is despite a 90% drop in income from the export of petroleum products to European countries. In third place is India, and in fourth, with a small gap, Turkey.

But the most interesting is the fifth place in which the UAE is located. Emirates buy Russian oil to make money on its resale. Given the huge volumes of exports of oil products from the UAE, local companies can easily “hide” sanctioned Russian oil in their supplies and earn a very good margin on this. Recall that the current discount of Russian grade Urals to Brent is $25. And this is on every barrel.

There are definitely countries in the world where they know how to make money, while there are others where they buy expensive products for one faith.

Russia Oil Export

(red - crude oil, blue - natural gas, black - coal).

And how to earn from oil, learn here

Author Administrator  Business  0  1,295
03 Jul 2023
It is really hard for one to imagine that in the world, such a small country ranks second in the world in food exports.

It is really hard for one to imagine that in the world, such a small country ranks second in the world in food exports.
This country is extremely small, it can be driven from one end to the other in three and a half hours.
The territory of the Netherlands is only 41,543 square kilometers and is in 131st place in the ranking of countries in the world.
At the top of the ranking is the United States, and after the Netherlands in second place, followed by Brazil, Germany, France and China.
Canada's 9th position is interesting, where it is cold and snowy most of the year.

Food Exporters 2021

This ranking shows us that there is enough space on planet Earth for humans and for growing food.
Also, right now in the Netherlands, WEF is cutting farms to cut production and food around the world so that the United States becomes the undisputed leader in the world's food supply.
And there is another feature of the Netherlands. In order to achieve such significant results, the Netherlands use a lot of artificial fertilizers and chemistry is an integral part of their agriculture.

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Author Administrator  Business  0  1,249
01 Jul 2023
Europe is the number one continent with the most countries in the top 10 with the highest unemployment in the world.

Europe is the number one continent with the most countries in the top 10 with the highest unemployment in the world.
A prosperous Europe is only an illusion. If Europe was once the engine of world economy and prosperity. Today it is only a thing of the past. If we go into the details in a little more detail, we will understand that the prosperity of Europe is due to the loans, and before that to the colonial policy.
It is gradually starting to be felt by economic indicators, and by the population itself, that Europe will face serious challenges in the coming years, mostly related to the bad politics of the European elite.

Top 10 countries in the world by unemployment rate:

1. Nigeria: 33.3%
2. South Africa: 32.9%
3. Bosnia and Herzegovina: 29.28%
4. Iraq: 15.55%
5. Afghanistan: 13.3%
6. Spain: 13.26%
7. Greece: 11.2%
8. Colombia: 10.7%
9. Ukraine: 10.6%
10. Türkiye: 10.2%

Surprisingly, one in three in Nigeria, South Africa, Bosnia and Herzegovina is unemployed. Moreover, among young people the proportion of those who cannot find work is even higher.

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Author Administrator  Business  0  699
20 Jun 2023
Another example of how Asia continues to develop, and Europe will soon pass into a completely different stage of existence.

Another example of how Asia continues to develop, and Europe will soon pass into a completely different stage of existence.
While in Europe airlines are closing down and rail transport is recommended, aviation in India is continuing its development upwards and upwards.

Airbus has signed its Deal of the Century with Indian low-cost carrier IndiGo. The airline has ordered 500 Airbus A320 aircraft with delivery dates in 2030-2035. The cost of such a batch is estimated at about $ 50 billion, and this is the largest transaction in the history of the aircraft industry.

Europe still manufactures, but for others, just as China and Vietnam years ago made clothes for Europe. In Europe and Great Britain, plans include closing airports (and therefore fewer flights).

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Author Administrator  Business  0  1,014
16 Apr 2023
Hardly many people in the world know about the new currency that the international bankers have released to the world.

Hardly many people in the world know about the new currency that the international bankers have released to the world. However, it depends on the population itself whether it will accept or reject it.

The DCMA, a globalist affiliate of sovereign states, central banks, commercial and retail banks and other financial institutions, confirmed the launch of an international CBDC this week at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) 2023 Spring Meetings.

According to the IMF, this CBDC is designed to "enforce banking regulations" and "monitor all transactions."

The Universal Currency Unit (UMU), also known as "Unicoin" and denoted by the symbol Ü, can transact in any currency of account that is legal tender and can be configured to operate in accordance with the central banking rules of each participating jurisdiction.

In a similar way, the BRICS countries are also organizing, which are looking for ways to create their own currency, most likely digital with the possibility of comprehensive control of transactions.

Author Administrator  Business  0  1,231
05 Apr 2023
Johnson & Johnson will pay $8.9 billion to people sued for selling talc-based baby powder.

Johnson & Johnson will pay $8.9 billion to people sued for selling talc-based baby powder. The plaintiffs allege that the powder contained asbestos, a carcinogen that increases the risk of developing cancer. Johnson & Johnson denies this and claims the powder is completely safe. However, the company has withdrawn the controversial product from sale, and will pay huge compensation for several thousand lawsuits.

I wonder, if the powder is completely safe as the company claims, why is Johnson & Johnson withdrawing it from the market and most amazingly paying a huge compensation?

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Author Administrator  Business  0  504
20 Mar 2023
The US is the largest consumer of lithium-ion batteries in the world.

The US is the largest consumer of lithium-ion batteries in the world. In 2022, the volume of their import into the country in monetary terms amounted to $13.9 billion. At the same time, the main suppliers were:

1. China: $9.30 billion
2. South Korea: $1.29 billion
3. Japan: $0.98 billion
4. Poland: $0.48 billion
5. Hungary: $0.39 billion
6. Germany: $0.36 billion

The critical dependence of the US on Asian countries in this matter is obvious.
To reduce its dependence on these batteries, the US is trying to move production overseas, close to the raw materials. As the largest supplier of the valuable batteries is China.If the United States wants to develop in the field of electric vehicles, mobile phones and others, it must rely on and actually depends on China.

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Author Administrator  Business  0  1,762
11 Mar 2023
The last two days of the working week in the United States were marked by stock market crashes, especially at banks.

The last two days of the working week in the United States were marked by stock market crashes, especially at banks. On Friday, queues outside bank offices followed, and share prices fell between 11 and 62% in just one week.
Silicon Valley Bank started the bank crash.
Panic has set in, depositors frantically want to withdraw as much money as possible.
Will confidence be able to return on Monday, or will the red streak continue and turn into bankruptcies, remains to be seen.

In such moments, it is good to think about consulting help and protect your savings!

Author Administrator  Business  0  663
11 Mar 2023
The money supply is officially contracting.

The money supply is officially contracting.

This has only happened 4 times in the last 150 years. Each time a depression followed with double-digit unemployment rates.

Shrinking the money supply + inflation is a nasty combination. Because that means fewer dollars are moving through the system to pay for the higher prices.

At some point the system "breaks" and a deflationary collapse occurs.

This is exactly what happened during the Depression of 1921 (NOT the Great Depression). This happened after World War I and the Spanish Flu.

...If history repeats itself, we may be in a "Deflationary Recession/Depression" - Prices of many things will fall. Houses. Rentals. Goods. Maybe even wages. - The unemployment rate is likely to jump sharply.

What commodities should we trade to avoid the expected crash?

Author Administrator  Business  0  499
10 Feb 2023
If you look at the facts and want to take care of the environment you will never buy an electric car.

If you look at the facts and want to take care of the environment you will never buy an electric car.
The whole picture from the mining of precious metals, the dirty mining and production of these metals, the radiation you will get in the electric car, to the impossibility of recycling, puts the car as extremely harmful to the environment.
Not to mention the easily flammable batteries that cannot be extinguished anywhere.

Briefly about the environmental friendliness of electric vehicles: to produce one "green" car, you need six times more minerals than for a conventional gasoline car. Some of these minerals are extremely harmful to the environment, most are mined in third world countries under terrible conditions. Sometimes, like cobalt, by children.

Electric car bans are starting to rain down one after the other

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