Tuesday, January 14, 2025

How the top 10 countries by GDP have changed in 10 years


The top 4 countries stay in place for a whole decade. China continues to close in on the United States, but officially still remains in second place.
Japan remains unchanged in third place, despite the yen's sharp decline, and in fourth place is Germany. Very soon, however, after mass bankruptcies and relocations of companies outside Germany, we can expect a change in the top 4.
India is picking up speed, from outside the top 10 to number 5 in just 10 years. It is quite possible that just one more year will be needed for India to reach the top 4.

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France and Brazil are losing ground, at the expense of rising India and Canada.
Italy retains the 9th position, and Russia begins to recover from the series of sanctions.

Gdp World 10 Years

Countries likely to reach the top 10 in the next decade are Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Indonesia and Mexico.

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