Monday, October 07, 2024

Tag: "S"


One small country pollutes the world's oceans as much as the next 5 in the negative ranking

One small country pollutes the world's oceans as much as the next 5 in the negative ranking.


Estimated inflation in different countries for 2023

The World Monetary Fund forecasts inflation for 2023 around the world in individual countries.



What are the largest sovereign wealth funds in the world?

A number of countries can afford to accumulate huge amounts of cash in their funds.


There is nothing ecological and nature-friendly about electric cars

If you look at the facts and want to take care of the environment you will never buy an electric car.


Artificial intelligence predicts when the stock market will crash

Artificial intelligence can also be used to improve financial literacy.


Where do the world's biggest earthquakes occur?

After the strong earthquake in Turkey and Syria, we pay attention to the countries where earthquakes happen most often.


In one of the poorest countries in the world, onions are the most expensive in the world

Despite government intervention, the price of red onions reached a world record.


Where are the biggest plastic polluters in the world?

Where are environmental activists protesting plastic pollution in the world's oceans?


The most popular tourist destinations in 2023

One of the largest online travel agencies in the world has named the most desirable tourist destinations for this year.

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