Products from Chinese retailers Shein, Temu, and AliExpress have been found to contain toxic chemicals that may pose a health risk. Government officials in South Korea have found that many consumer products sold by Shein and Temu, two Chinese retailers known for their cheap, high-quality goods, contain toxic chemicals, many of which are known to cause cancer. Shein, which sells women’s clothing and other accessories, was found to be laced with toxins that sometimes exceed legal limits by hundreds of times. The same goes for Temu and AliExpress, which sell products laced with chemicals that have the potential to cause serious harm. Shein, Temu, and AliExpress are known for significantly discounting consumer products. However, these discounts come at a high cost to consumers’ health. To produce and ship cheap goods at breakneck speed, Shein, Temu and AliExpress are reported to be cutting costs and using the cheapest quality materials, often violating safety standards around the world. For example, a batch of Shein shoes was found to contain exceptionally high levels of phthalates, chemicals added to plastic to make it more flexible. One pair of shoes tested had phthalates 229 times higher than the legal limit. Phthalate is classified as a human carcinogen by the International Cancer Institute. Shein bottle caps were found to contain twice the legal limit of formaldehyde, a cancer-causing chemical. Numerous bottles of Shein nail polish also contained dioxane, a possible human carcinogen known to cause liver poisoning. Officials in Seoul have demanded that the offending companies immediately recall all products containing the toxic substances. The word “China” has become almost synonymous with toxic poisons.
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