In the past few weeks, the dangers of disease transmission by mosquitoes have increased.
This trend has also existed in the past, with data showing that mosquitoes are the deadliest animals (insects). On average, up to one million people die from mosquito bites every year on our planet. However, this is about to change, and with Bill Geist’s investments in the production of genetically modified mosquitoes, this number of one million people is expected to rise significantly. In second place in this dangerous ranking are snakes with about 100,000 people killed per year. The most dangerous country for snakes remains Australia, where the deadliest snakes are found. In third place, most people are killed by dogs, up to 30,000 killed per year. Next in fourth place are freshwater snails, which are carriers of disease, and these animals are eaten in many parts of the world. Next comes The Reduviidae with 12,000 killed per year – these are terrestrial but also aquatic predators, bloodsuckers that are found mainly in South America and transmit Chagas disease. Next in the ranking is the Tsetse fly with 10,000 deaths per year, Ascaris worms with 2,500 deaths per year, 1,000 deaths per year from Crocodiles, 700 people from tapeworms, 500 people from Hippos, 500 people from Elephants and 250 people are killed from Lions per year. Note that we expect a significant increase in mosquito deaths in the coming years.
Just a few years ago, it turned out that mosquitoes were killing up to 725,000 people a year. Apparently, the intervention in the modification of mosquitoes “gives” the expected results.
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