265 ingredients in Spicy Chicken and Mac Cheese from a fast food chain


At Chick-fil-A, the chicken and macaroni contain over 265 ingredients, including a silicone antifoam. Why I never eat Chick-fil-A. I ordered the spicy chicken deluxe and the small mac and cheese. Simple dishes. But these products contain over 265 ingredients.

No two products should contain so many ingredients. What ingredients in here have I never even heard of? One is called dimethylpolysiloxane. It is a food additive that is used as an antifoaming agent from silicone. It is also found in industrial lubricants and cosmetics. There are also dough conditioners, obviously in the bun, like datum and monodiglycerides, which are made when oil is processed using soybean oil, hydrogenated oil, which are trans fats. These are, of course, all pro-inflammatory agents. Not good for your digestive system.

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