What do abortions, organ harvesting, abuse of unborn children and vaccines have in common?


Most vaccines today are developed using aborted fetal cell lines. The abortion industry, the organ harvesting industry, and the vaccine industry work together. Their operations are hand in hand.

The current supply of vaccines for children and adults is based on a history of abuse of unborn children. To develop vaccines, human fetuses must be carefully selected, organs harvested, and cell lines developed to produce the vaccine.

There are six main types of cell lines used to develop biologics (vaccines). Four of these cell lines are based on the use of aborted fetal cells. These aborted fetal cell lines include the human diploid cell line WI-38, which is composed of fibroblasts taken from the lung tissue of a female fetus in the third month of pregnancy. Vaccines also use the HEK-293 cell line, which is derived from the kidney of a human fetus.

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