Electronic cigarettes and vaping products are a path to artificial ventilation of the lungs


The widespread use of cigarette substitutes such as e-cigarettes and vapes has entered society in the past few years. And the effects of these products have not yet been talked about, even the studies on their harm are too scarce. Yet a new study reaches some shocking conclusions.

EVALI (electronic-cigarette of vaping product use associated lung injury) – acute lung injury caused by the use of electronic cigarettes and vaping products. EVALI is a lung disease caused by smoking e-cigarettes, and in some cases it can develop with respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

In patients with ARDS, all lung tissue becomes inflamed and the lungs can no longer oxygenate the blood. These patients require artificial ventilation, and their mortality is 30-50%. Doctors claim that the mechanism of the disease has not yet been clarified and there are no specific methods of treatment.

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