Sunday, September 08, 2024

One country is the absolute leader in cities with the most murders for 2022


Murders in this country are a daily occurrence. No, this is not a country officially at war, like Syria, Ukraine, but a country where drug cartels send huge amounts of drugs to the United States.
Only one single city in the top 10 is from another country, and that is New Orleans, United States.
Mexico is the country with the most dangerous cities in the world and the absolute leader in the ranking.
9 of the 10 cities with the most murders per 100,000 residents are in Mexico (2022 data).

Here is the data:

1. Colima: 181.9
2. Zamora: 177.7
3. Ciudad Obregon: 138.2
4. Zacatecas: 134.6
5. Tijuana: 105.1
6. Celaya: 99.6
7. Uruapan: 78.3
8. New Orleans: 70.6 (USA)
9. Juarez: 67.7
10. Acapulco: 65.6

The leader in the negative ranking is the city of Colima with a population of 123 thousand people and a location quite far from the border with the United States.

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